Hi---this is version 1.1 of my ever-growing library of eclectic icons. Some of them are probably useful to you no matter what you do with your NeXT (I'm sure you have a Library folder, and you probably get steamed about NextDemos that crash and burn, for instance). Others will be useful only if you have the relevant file---this applies to a lot of the literature icons, like Bible, Darwin, and Mormon. In case you are wondering where to get literature to use with those icons, check my freeware postings to the /pub/next/Literature directory of this archive site.
Some of the icons are so specific to my institution (Harvard, LBL, or the Weizmann Institute), my job (Einstein, Feynman), my wife's job (Abaqus), or my weird hobbies (Ossian---it's a fake-literary-quotations game...never mind) that I am sure that I could count the people who will have a use for them on the
fingers of one thumb. Still, you should probably give them a look if you are just getting started designing your own icons, since there are some subtle visual tricks that are worth picking up. Of course, if you can actually draw, you can probably outdo my little cartoons without much trouble...but even if you are a klutz like me, you might be pleasantly surprised at how the 48x48 format can work for you instead of against you.
So what are these, freeware or shareware? I thought that one over this week, and here is what I have decided. If you like an icon and use it, send me a dollar per. If you like an icon but need to modify it before using it, send me a copy of your version by e-mail, and what you think my contribution was worth by surface mail. If you make up a neat icon of your own, send me a copy and I will consider buying it on the same terms. A buck a shot, plus 29 cents postage, isn't going to keep anyone from using an icon he really likes, but it's enough to give the artist the most gratifying sort of feedback. I encourage any other iconographers out there to offer their wares here at this price---no one
will get rich, but we'll all get cheap icons, plus a few lithographs of dead presidents. Fair enough?
Enjoy (any N of) the icons, and please send $N to me at:
Joshua W. Burton
116 Olney Street, #3
Providence, RI 02906
Thanks a lot, and don't forget to check for MyIcons.1.2 in a month or two!